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(c) Zelda62788

Welcome to Fallen Angel

I fell from the sky,
Through heavens golden floors,
I landed on this choas called life,
And tried to make sence of it.
My hair shines like the golden sun,
My wings are as blue as the sky,
My gown is of the purest white,
My eyes twinkle like the stars.
I help whoever comes to me,
Replacing holes with love,
I soar on dreams and wishes,
And glide amoung the stars.
One day when I was flying,
I crashed into the ground,
For the stress was overwhelming,
And its pressure made me fall.
My wings were broken from stress,
My wounds were bleeding shame,
My eyes lost their twinkle,
My heart became a hole of pain.
I was left for dead,
Shut off from the world,
I was the one who needed healing,
but no body would.
But then someone found me,
Someone actually cared,
They healed my wounds completely,
Healed me with love.
Now that I can fly again,
Without a thought or strain,
Flying amoung the stars,
Helping people who need love,
And that is my job!

~Alyssa 10/5/2003

This is my webpage about me! The more you explore the more you will learn. I will try to keep this as updated as possible! This website is about me, for me, and by me so if you don't like it then I suggest you leave. This is a hurt free zone! The whole idea about Fallen Angel just dawed on me in the middle of class. Now since October 2003 this website has been up and running. Ok so since Advanced Web Design Class introduced me to Dreamweaver I'll shall use this progam to edit as long as I have the resources.
~Alyssa 5/2/06